7th Ethical Finance & Sustainability
15-16 mai 2024
University of Leeds (UK) - Leeds (Royaume-Uni)
The achievement of the seventh sustainable development goal SDG#7 (i.e., affordable, and clean energy) aims at providing access to affordable and clean energy- promoting renewable energy production and use as an alternative to the extensive use of conventional pollutant energy resources. In the efforts to reduce risks and adverse impacts of climate change and to actively contribute to mitigating global warming under the Paris Climate Accord, policymakers are trying to diversify their mix of energy by fostering renewable energy development. In 2019, the SDGs report argued that more than 2.6 billion people representing one-third of the world’s population are using the dangerous and infectious cooking system. In addition, lack of electricity remains a major issue of SDGs because more than 700 million people lack access to electricity and most of them are living in sub-Saharan Africa.
More specfically, several crises with varied origins, have been occured during the last two decades such as finance crisis (global financial crisis, European sovereign debt, etc.), political and geopolitical tensions, (Brexit, Russia-Ukrainian conflicts, Afghanistan conflicts, Myanmar, etc), climate / natural disasters (floods, ice storms, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, etc), and health care system related to COVID-19. Overall, these period of turmoil shared some common conditions in terms of excessive profits, savings, capital flows, outsourcing and sweated labour to environmental crimes and accounting scandals, climate destruction, corruption, challenging the business ethics.
We invite authors to submit proposals covering these topical issues related to the Business ethics, CSR, Energy transition, Climate change, and green investments to submit their works. Authors will be expected to participate in the conference and papers will be eligible for publication, subject to editorial review. We cordially invite academics, practitioners, and policymakers who address these issues to submit papers.
The conference topics include, but not limited to:
Renewable energy deployment
Green innovation and energy transition
Climate negotiations and scenarios
Incentive and non-linear water and electricity pricing
Climate risks: modelling and assessment
Green innovation and 4.0 industrial revolution
Green Washing and CSR decoupling
Global Conflics and Energy transition
Economic, social and governance effects of climate uncertainty
Intergenerational choices under global environmental change
Outlook of the oil market and macroeconomic stability in OPEC member countries
Climate change policy and the future of hydrocarbon economy
Hydrocarbon economy vs green economy
Renewable energy and minerals demand nexus
Sustainable finance & Circular economy
Social and sustainable entrepreneurship
Temperature implications for agriculture, food, and water
Welfare and social preferences
Business ethics & Climate risk
Corporate practices irresponsibility & Gender diversity
Corporate practices irresponsibility & firm value
CSR Investment and Firm value
CSR & Banking
CSR Disclosure and unethical practices
CSR Performance & Financial Market
CSR Disclosure & Financial Markets
CSR & Environmental Policy Instruments
ESG controversies & firm value
Eco-Design Practices On SME Performance
Ethics and Green issues & Labor Markets
Financing sources & environmental performance
Green investment & environmental performance
Gender diversity & social entrepreneurship
Green finance, greenwashing
Just transition : Energy Transitions versus social challenges
Ethical awareness during times of crises
Ethical decision-making in times of crises
Ethical leadership, and moral courage in times of crises
Discipline scientifique :
Économie et finance quantitative - Finance - Environnement et Société
Lieu de la conférence