Wave propagation and control in complex media - Mesoscopic phenomena and applications

15-19 avr. 2024
Institut d'Études Scientifiques, Cargèse, Corsica, France - Cargèse (France)


Grasping wave propagation in homogeneous media underpins the principles of classical imaging, sensing, and telecommunications methods. The existence of disorder presents challenges to these issues, and examining propagation in disordered media, particularly the existence of mesoscopic effects, has led to significant breakthroughs in numerous fields such as acoustics, optics, seismology, and microwave technology. These techniques rely on the fundamental concept of wave propagation in complex media. This subject merits independent investigation, which we aim to facilitate during this summer school while fostering connections among various wave physics communities. Propagation media usually exhibit spatial fluctuations, and occasionally temporal fluctuations as well. Though traditionally perceived as disturbances, these degrees of freedom can be utilized to create innovative applications. With this insight, our school's primary focus is the study and exploitation of mesoscopic phenomena and their applications in complex media. Our goal is to facilitate the exchange of multidisciplinary knowledge gathered by experts from diverse research fields confronting similar challenges. We will address theoretical aspects related to complex environments (correlated disorder, topology, multiple scattering, non-linear media, Anderson localization, metamaterials) and emphasize their practical applications, particularly in the realms of imaging, microwave, optical, and quantum telecommunications, and sensing. The school will consist of lectures given by eminent scientists and seminars to present recent works and applications. This format makes it even better for students to appropriate the common theoretical bases of wave physics in complex environments while having a very good overview of the different experimental approaches specific to each type of wave. This multidisciplinary approach will allow junior and senior researchers to go beyond the scope of their research topics and acquire an overall vision necessary for cutting-edge research. A specific effort will be made to target the younger audience.
Discipline scientifique :  Systèmes désordonnés et réseaux de neurones - Acoustique - Instrumentations et Détecteurs - Physique Médicale

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