DIM BioConvS Symposium 2023: Innovation Day
14-14 nov. 2023
Conseil régional d'Île-de-France 2 rue Simon Veil - Saint-Ouen - Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine (France)
The DIM BioConvS is organizing its annual symposium on November 14th 2023, graciously hosted at the heart of the Région Île-de-France's headquarters, in the Hémicycle Simon Veil at Saint-Ouen. This year's symposium is called Innovation Day. We are planning on bringing together a strong scientific program and the best examples of interactions between academia and the private sector, and especially to raise awareness among academia and young researchers about the innovation workflow, so that more and more of their projects can see an application in the near future.
Discipline scientifique :
Biologie moléculaire - Biotechnologies - Génétique - Ingénierie biomédicale - Immunologie - Médecine humaine et pathologie - Autre
Lieu de la conférence