1st international conference on physico-chemistry, materials sciences & applied mathematics

27-29 nov. 2023
20 August 1955 University of Skikda - Skikda (Algérie)


The 1st international conference on physico-chemistry, materials sciences & applied mathematics (ICPMSAM'23). Which will be held on November 27-28, 2023 in the 20 August 1955 University of Skikda, Algeria. Organized by the Department of Physics, Laboratory LRPCSI and Wilaya of Skikda respectively. The objective of the conference is to create an effective international forum for scientists, researchers, experts, academics, engineers, doctors, students, technologists, and industrialists to present their results and discuss the most recent innovations, advancements, trends, concerns, practical challenges encountered, and proposals regarding the issues related to the topics of the conference. The topics of interest for submission to ICPMSAM'23 include different areas . The ICPMSAM'23 is dedicated to providing a platform that creates a dialogue between industries and academic organizations as well as technology transfer from research to industry.This international conference also will provide companies and/or institutions an opportunity to present their products, services, innovations, technologies, and the results of their innovative research. If you, your company, or others you may know are interested in participating in this exhibition, please contact the Conference Secretariat (icpmsam1@univ-skikda.dz). All members of the scientific community, public/private laboratories, and industries around the world are invited to participate in this event. This will offer them an opportunity to promote their research and share their results by submitting an abstract(s) (Poster and Oral presentation) related to the proposed topics
Discipline scientifique :  Chimie - Cristallographie - Chimie inorganique - Matériaux - Polymères - Radiochimie - Chimie théorique et/ou physique - Informatique - Imagerie médicale

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