3rd Workshop on Re-envisioning Extreme-Scale I/O for Emerging Hybrid HPC Workloads

31-31 oct. 2023
Hilton Santa Fe Historic Plaza - Santa Fe, NM (États-Unis)


Established at IEEE Cluster 2021, the Re-envisioning Extreme-Scale I/O for Emerging Hybrid HPC Workloads (REX-IO) workshop has created a forum for experts, researchers, and engineers in the parallel I/O and storage, compute facility operation, and HPC application domains. REX-IO solicits novel work that characterizes I/O behavior and identifies the challenges in scientific data and storage management for emerging HPC workloads, introduces potential solutions to alleviate some of these challenges, and demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed solutions to improve I/O performance for the exascale supercomputing era and beyond. We envision that this workshop will contribute to the community and further drive discussions between storage and I/O researchers, HPC application users and the data analytics community to give a better in-depth understanding of the impact on the storage and file systems induced by emerging HPC applications.
Discipline scientifique :  Calcul parallèle, distribué et partagé - Autre

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