Field Laser Applications in Industry and Research

16-20 sept. 2024
Conference Center Domus Pacis, Assisi (PG), Italy - Assisi (Italie)

FLAIR 2024 is the 8th edition of the international conference series Field Laser Applications in Industry and Research. It aims to bring together researchers from both industrial and academic research laboratories and institutions to stimulate new research initiatives and field laser applications involving sensitive and selective detection of molecular species with a broad interdisciplinary approach. FLAIR provides overview lectures by international experts, emphasizing integrative and multi-disciplinary approaches. Talks and posters will be presented by laser detection specialists, but also by researchers active in one of the fields of application (atmospheric monitoring, industrial process control, biomedicine, combustion science, etc.) who are highly familiar with the measurement challenges in an industrial or research setting, but may have limited knowledge of laser-based solutions. Special industry sessions and an exhibition enable our industrial partners to highlight recent progress of commercial systems. The social events help to foster an atmosphere in which it is easy to discuss and interact with researchers across different disciplines. FLAIR 2024 is chaired by Erik Kerstel and Francesco D’Amato and will be held 16-20 September 2024 in Assisi, Italy. The conference center Domus Pacis is able to house all participants on site, thus maintaining the concept of FLAIR of staying in the same place to maximize interaction in an informal atmosphere and to create a core group for furthering Laser Applications in Industry and Research as a cross-disciplinary field of research. FLAIR 2024 is organized under auspices of the Italian CNR and the National Institute for Optics (INO). The co-organizer Erik Kerstel is associated with the Laboratory of Interdisciplinary Physics of the University of Grenoble.
Discipline scientifique :  Physique Atmosphérique et Océanique - Physique Atomique - Chimie-Physique - Analyse de données, Statistiques et Probabilités

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