The Effectiveness of International Law Rules in Light of Contemporary International Transformations

6-7 nov. 2023
Faculty of Law and Political science, El Oued University - El Oued (Algérie)

Through this conference, we aim to mobilize the greatest number of scientific skilled scholars in the subject: academics, researchers, study centers, diplomats, international judges, governmental and non-governmental actors in order to contribute together in an effective way to the effectiveness of international legal standards. As a result, this seminar aims to highlight the deficiencies and fundamental shortcomings of the UN rules inherent in the maintenance of international peace and security, in particular in the light of growing international conflicts and the inability of the global security system to cope with them; or the emergence of new international variables and problems that threaten common international values such as the environment, migration, climate and global health. And, moreover, it aims to identify the most important political and realistic factors that affect the effectiveness of the legal and institutional mechanisms of the United Nations aimed at preserving world peace as the ultimate point of international ends, valve of security and stability of international relations, and protection of the common and sovereign interests of States without exception.
Discipline scientifique :  Droit - Science politique

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