Kardar–Parisi–Zhang equation: new trends in theories and experiments
15-26 avr. 2024
Les Houches School of Physics - Les Houches School of Physics (France)
Kardar, Parisi and Zhang (KPZ) proposed in 1986 an equation describing the scale invariance of various phenomena. This field has experienced a second life in recent years with the identification of universal distributions highlighted in very different models, both theoretical (spin chains, lattice gases) and experimental (cold atoms, exciton-polaritons). Our goal is to provide a broad and accessible overview of these advances.
Discipline scientifique :
Physique mathématique - Systèmes désordonnés et réseaux de neurones - Mécanique statistique - Gaz Quantiques - Physique Mathématique - Physique Quantique
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