24-26 janv. 2024
ISIS - Institut de Science et d'Ingénierie Supramoléculaires - STRASBOURG (France)
Every year, the Coordination Chemistry Days (Journeés de Chimie de Coordination - JCC) of the Société Chimique de France (SCF) bring together the community of coordination chemists. For the 2024 edition, the scientific event will be jointly organized for the first time with the sister Italian chemical society (Società Chimica Italiana – SCI) and its inorganic chemistry division and it will take place on 24 – 26th January 2024 in Strasbourg.
The scientific program of the conference will include12 keynotes lectures, including those of the winners of the French division prize (senior and junior), about 35 oral communications and a poster session to be held during a buffet dinner. These three days will provide an ideal opportunity to meet and exchange ideas, with the aim of taking stock of scientific advances in coordination chemistry and its applications.
Discipline scientifique :
Chimie - Catalyse - Chimie de coordination - Chimie inorganique - Matériaux
Lieu de la conférence