
16-17 nov. 2023
MOLTECH-Anjou (UFR Sciences, Université d'Angers) - Angers (France)

Chemistry and Physics of the Molecular Solid State: Materials that Build Bridges between the Discrete and the Continuous, a Symposium celebrating 75+ birthday of Patrick Batail On the occasion of the 75th birthday of Mr Patrick BATAIL, former DRCE CNRS, former director of IMN (Nantes) and MOLTECH-Anjou (Angers), we organize, on November 16 and 17, 2023, at MOLTECH-Anjou where Patrick carried out the end of his career and his emeritus, a Symposium entitled: " Chemistry and Physics of the Molecular Solid State: Materials that Build Bridges between the Discrete and the Continuous, a Symposium celebrating 75+ birthday of Patrick Batail ". The aim is to bring together, around his former colleagues and doctoral students, about 20 renowned invited speakers (including 12 foreigners), i.e. about 80 people expected. This Symposium is open to all without registration fees. A paying banquet will be held on Thursday evening, November 16, 2023.
Discipline scientifique :  Chimie

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