SBCF symposium at Mifobio

14-17 nov. 2023
Presqu'ile de Giens - Giens (France)

The French Society for Cell Biology organizes a satellite symposium of the Mifobio microscopy school organized by the GDR Imabio. Fueled by a vibrant SBCF and MiFoBio community that uses advanced microscopy techniques to elucidate key mechanisms of cell biology. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the first-time registrants to the SBCF mini-symposium will also have access to the three last days of Mifobio from November 14th to 17th 2023 that will take place at Giens (South of France). During this meeting you will be able to attend to all the workshops, seminars, but especially to two exciting modules organized by the GDR Imabio named “Multiscale” and “Multimodal” in addition to the SBCF mini-symposium. ----------------------------------------- You have first to register (click on My registration – Mon inscription en francais): ------------------------------------------- If you are a regular attendee, you have to choose « SBCF symposium registration » and pay online 420 € TTC. ------ If you are already Mifobio thematic school participant and want to stay at SBCF symposium the last day, you have to choose « Mifobio participant » and you will be free of charge. ------------------------------------------------------------ Second, after registration, you can submit an abstract whatever your registration status (dead-line Sept 29th 2023). Short talks will be selected from the abstracts, don't hesitate to contribute!
Discipline scientifique :  Sciences du Vivant - Biologie cellulaire

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