Modeling, Information Processing and System Control

26-27 mai 2023
ESTM Meknes - Meknes (Maroc)

The Modeling, Information Processing and System Control (MIPSC'23) symposium is an opportunity for doctoral students, engineers, Professors, researchers and practitioners to share knowledge, exchange ideas and advance research in their respective fields. This event also allows these different actors to present their latest research results, ideas, developments, and applications in all areas of modeling, Information Processing and System Control. In December 2021, the first edition of MIPSC was organized at ENSAM-Meknes. This year, the IEVIA team which is part of the IMAGE laboratory of the "Ecole Superieure de Technologie Meknes (EST- Meknes)" is pleased to organize the second edition of MIPSC event, with the aim of strengthening its vocation, by integrating new research themes and focusing more on networking, exchange and collaboration between doctoral students, researchers and actors active in the fields covered by the event. The best communications will be selected and proposed for publication in one of these publishers: - IJMRGE journal as a special issue. - IGI Global as a book chapter.
Discipline scientifique :  Informatique - Mathématiques - Sciences de l'ingénieur

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