Conference GASCom on random generation of combinatorial structures
24-28 juin 2024
Laboratoire Bordelais de Recherche en Informatique
Unité Mixte de Recherche CNRS (UMR 5800)
351, cours de la Libération F-33405 Talence cedex
France - Bordeaux (France)
The conference GASCom brings together researchers in combinatorics, algorithms, probabilities, and more generally mathematical computer science, around the theme of random and exhaustive generation of combinatorial structures, mostly considered from a theoretical point of view. In connection with this main theme, the conference is also interested in contributions in enumerative or analytic combinatorics, and interactions with other areas of mathematics, computer science, physics or biology.
The conference is both interested in methods for random or exhaustive generation and in original results on combinatorial or algorithmic questions, whose solution has been made possible by an approach involving random or exhaustive generation.
Discipline scientifique :
Informatique - Mathématiques
Lieu de la conférence