Discourse Markers: Markers in Discourse and Markers on Discourse

21-22 juin 2024
Université de Lorraine, Île du Saulcy, 57 000 Metz Bâtiment B (vendredi 21 juin 2024), bâtiment A (samedi 22 juin 2024) - Metz (France)


Discourse markers have been examined in various models of grammar, such as Functional Discourse Grammar or Construction Grammar, considering their status as markers in discourse. From a macro-syntactic point of view, they are seen as peripheral, independent and movable entities enabling a bracketing function. In interaction based models of grammar, such as Interactional Linguistics, the focus of analysis has been on their status as markers on discourse. As such, these approaches examine interpersonal and interactional functions, for instance, turn-taking, positioning of interlocutors vis à vis each other, vis à vis their discursive contribution and their attitude towards their own contribution. The goal of this conference is to bring together research from different theoretical frameworks in order to find possible bridging points between grammar-based approaches of “markers in discourse”, function-based approaches of “markers in /on discourse” and discourse-based studies.
Discipline scientifique :  Linguistique

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