Biomimetic systems and bioinspired materials across scales

1-2 juin 2023
Faculté des Sciences et Techniques Université de Haute-Alsace 18 rue des Frères Lumière - Mulhouse (France)

Humans have always strived to copy biological systems. An emblematic example of such biomimicry is Leonardo da Vinci's flying machine inspired by bird flight. Recent advances in science have enabled us to develop technologies that go far beyond imitation of nature. Superhydrophobic materials, nano-swimming machines, human organoids, and artificial intelligence are just a few examples of modern biomimetics. On the other hand, we have severely damaged ecosystems through industrialization and natural resources exploitation, provoking global climate change and biodiversity decline. At this conference, we will explore a wide range of concepts and technological advances inspired by the living world, ranging from molecular mechanisms to architecture and social innovation, from both scientific and artistic perspectives. We will also discuss how biological systems can inspire us to adopt a third way of living in the Anthropocene, against the dogmas of performance and optimisation, and help break this cycle of over-exploitation.
Discipline scientifique :  Sciences du Vivant - Biochimie, Biologie Moléculaire - Biologie cellulaire - Biologie du développement - Biodiversité - Biotechnologies - Sciences de l'ingénieur - Matériaux - Biomécanique

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