GLP-ARBRE - Good Laboratory Practices in Molecular Biophysics: an ARBRE Symposium

15-15 juin 2023
Amphithéâtre Marie Curie Campus Tech La Doua Bd du 11 Novembre 1918 - Villeurbanne (France)

Molecular-scale biophysics is a dynamic interdisciplinary field, aiming at studying biological macromolecules and assemblies as a whole, at an intermediate level between atomic-resolution structural descriptions and cellular-level observations, with significant applications in biomedicine and drug discovery. This symposium will present the activities of the Association of Resources for Biophysical Research in Europe (ARBRE) and its aims to foster a large-scale pan-European interdisciplinary synergistic clustering. The objective is to develop innovative integrative biophysical approaches, at the level of data acquisition, analysis and modelling, as well as the design of ambitious combinations of methodologies. This Symposium is also the place for scientists to establish early contacts with instrument developers, at the level of concept or prototype, and for developers to find their end-users.
Discipline scientifique :  Chimie analytique - Biophysique - Biochimie - Génomique, Transcriptomique et Protéomique

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