(International Pluridisciplinary PhD Meeting (Faculty of nature and life sciences)

11-13 déc. 2023
City of El OUed, South Algeria. - El oued (Algérie)


The faculty of nature and life sciences,University of El Oued is hosting the International Pluridisciplinary PhD Meeting (Faculty of nature and life sciences). In order to examine the most recent advancements in the fields of biology, ecology and agronomy in connection with the artificial intelligence AI. The conference seeks to give researchers and practitioners a place to discuss the difficulties, opportunities, and ethical implications of the AI revolution in life sciences.
Discipline scientifique :  Intelligence artificielle - Sciences du Vivant - Alimentation et Nutrition - Biologie animale - Biochimie, Biologie Moléculaire - Biologie cellulaire - Biodiversité - Biologie végétale - Ecologie, Environnement - Microbiologie et Parasitologie - Sciences agricoles

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