Archaeozoology, Genetics, Proteomics and Morphometrics (AGPM)

11-13 oct. 2023
Carl Friedrich von Siemens Foundation Südliches Schlossrondell 23 80638 Munich - Munich (Allemagne)

The Archaeozoology, Genetics, Proteomics, and Morphometrics (AGPM) Working Group aims to contribute to the growing use of genetic analysis, proteomics, and morphometrics in archaeozoology, especially in the tracing of ancient anthropogenic transfers of wild or domestic animals. The working group also acknowledges a general need for more understanding of both the power and limitations of these techniques among zooarchaeologists and the necessarily limited view of historical questions and archaeological constraints on the part of molecular biologists involved in this research. Without a means to bring zooarchaeologists and molecular biologists closer together, there is a real risk of an uncoordinated multiplication of destructive sampling, increased non-validated genetic sequences, mistaken use of DNA data, or mistaken historical or anthropological interpretations. Since archaeology, zooarchaeology, and genetics also have their own scientific questions, potentialities, and limitations, the group aims to promote true collaboration between these fields. At the 10th meeting of the AGPM working group in Munich, Germany, we will bring together these varied scientific communities to encourage exchanges between zooarchaeologists and biologists on the future of interdisciplinary scholarship.
Discipline scientifique :  Sciences de l'environnement - Sciences du Vivant - Sciences de l'Homme et Société

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