8th International Conference on Semiconductor Photochemistry

11-15 sept. 2023
Pavillon Joséphine - Parc de l'Orangerie. Institut Charles Sadron - Strasbourg (France)


SP8 will cover research fields as varied as solar to electricity conversion, solar to chemical energy conversion (water splitting and carbon dioxide reduction, solar fuels), hydrogen production, photothermal catalysis, air and water remediation, photosterilization, functionalized and self cleaning surfaces, organic photosynthesis, new photoactive materials, modeling and mechanistic studies, operando/in-situ characterization, engineering, commercial applications and standardization, whether the research approach is fundamental or applied. With concrete applications ranging from air and water pollution control processes to solar fuels, SP8 is at the heart of very important applications in the fields of energy and environmental transitions, driven by the need of developing a sustainable, greener chemistry, for depolluting, decarbonizing industry or producing sustainable energy vectors, and synthesizing high added value chemicals.
Discipline scientifique :  Chimie - Catalyse - Matériaux - Chimie théorique et/ou physique - Chimie-Physique - Optique / photonique

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