ECDS 2023

8-11 oct. 2023
Salle Panoramique - Villers-sur-Mer (France)

ECDS 2023 aims to gather scientists from different disciplines interested for developing new materials, concepts and devices to address global changes, and address the 17 UNs SDGs. The conference will cover, but not limited to: -Waste Recycling and Valorization -Pollutant detection and degradation -Sustainable infrastructures -New power sources -New concepts in life sciences and agriculture -Education and Design for Sustainable Future ECDS 2023 will also a unique opportunity for scientists and entrepreneurs to meet, exchange ideas, and create new networks.
Discipline scientifique :  Chimie - Physique - Sciences de l'environnement - Sciences du Vivant - Sciences de l'ingénieur

Lieu de la conférence
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