Beyond Creative Cities 2

22-23 juin 2023
Université d'Angers - Angers (France)

Cultural dynamics, scenes and urban fabric June 22-23, 2023 Angers (FRANCE) The first Beyond Creative Cities (BCC) meeting in 2021 was an opportunity to analyse the forms, benefits and limits of urban fabric based on the concept of the creative city. What did we learn from it? The focus on issues of attractiveness, branding and clustering of creative activities has to some extent overshadowed the complexity of the links between the creative capacity of individuals, urban development and the production of innovations. It has also minimised the stakes of these transformations in the face of the “great transitions” that are taking place today. This is why the second BCC meeting proposes to refocus on the complexity of the interrelationships between creative and cultural activities, and territorial dynamics. It also questions the role that these activities can have in the transformation of the creative city model towards an urban fabric that resonates with the ecological, social and economic issues raised by metropolisation process. This meeting will also be an opportunity to test the relevance of the “scene” concept for an analysis and better understanding of the interactions between artistic presence and urban transformation, based on the outputs of the SCAENA research programme funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR, France)
Discipline scientifique :  Économie et finance quantitative - Sciences de l'Homme et Société

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