AQV Days 2023

10-12 mai 2023
Centre de Vacances et de Colloques la Vieille Perrotine - Saint Pierre d'Oléron (France)

The AQV (“Approches Quantitatives du Vivant”) network brings together more than 200 teams in 88 research units. Fueled by a very dynamic community, our network is growing rapidly and currently covers a large spectrum of biological fields (cell and developmental biology, immunity, host-pathogen interaction, neuroscience, ecology and evolution in microbes, animals and plants.
Discipline scientifique :  Biophysique - Biochimie, Biologie Moléculaire - Biologie cellulaire - Biologie du développement - Bio-Informatique, Biologie Systémique - Biologie végétale - Cancer - Ecologie, Environnement - Génétique

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