PHEMAC Participatory hub for effective mapping, acceleration and capitalization of EU-MPC NEXUS best practices
22-23 mai 2023
Faculty of Sciences and Techniques - Fez (Maroc)
Thanks to the developement of an integrated platform and approach, the project will help stakeholders to become aware of what already has been developed and implemented, avoiding duplication and using consolidated existing knowledge to create new value. Besides, PHEMAC will strongly encourage successful and sustainable public-private partnerships to counter the phenomena of the inefficient use of resources and reduce the gap between involved countries to boost economic and social reforms. These ambitous goals will be achieved thanks to the combination of different actions such as the development of an online platform and the active involvement of the relevant stakeholders through a series of events and dedicated policy actions.
Discipline scientifique :
Chimie - Informatique - Sciences de l'environnement - Planète et Univers - Sciences de l'ingénieur
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