International Conference on Engineering Fluid Structure Interaction

13-15 nov. 2023
UNIVERSITE ABDERRAHMANE MIRA-BEJAIA, Campus Aboudaou, route n°9 vers Tichy, Bejaia 06000, Algérie - BEJAIA (Algérie)

Fluid-structure interaction (FSI) gives rise to nonlinear multiphysics phenomena that have multiple applications in a wide range of scientific and engineering fields. As a result, various analytical, numerical, and experimental methods have been developed over the past decades worldwide to predict, analyze, and quantify the FSI effects. This international conference intends to bring together some of academia and industry professionals in the world to discuss and share their most recent research and findings in the field of Engineering Fluid-Structure Interaction. It also aims to highlight research trends and developments in the coming decades. Extended abstract submissions will be peer-reviewed and evaluated based on originality, technical content, research novelty, and relevance to the conference themes. Selected presentations during the conference will be proposed for paper publication in a partner journal. The ICEFSI23 covers all research and engineering application fields involving FSI. Potential topics include but are not limited to: Topic 1: Computational methods and numerical modeling - Analytical and mathematical modeling - Numerical coupling methods and convergence criteria - Uncertainty quantification and numerical instabilities - Order reduction Models - Physics-based machine learning Topic 2: Experimental and measurements techniques - Advanced methods and technics for FSI measurements - Physical analysis of FSI - Flow induced Vibration - Fluidelastic instabilities - FSI Control systems - Instabilities of slender structures - Inflatable structures Topic 3: Aero elasticity - Flexible structures flapping and floating - Instabilities of slender structures - Inflatable structures Topic 4: Biomechanical Engineering - Multiscale and multiphysics modelling - Biofluids and hemodynamics Blood flows and cardiovascular system - Medical devices and implants - Biomimetics Topic 5: Renewable energy - Interaction between surface waves and immersed or floating bodies - Energy efficiency optimization of wind and tidal turbines taking into account FSI - Flexible or free-moving structures for renewable energy extraction Topic 6: Civil, Hydraulic, Mechanical and Marine Engineering - Hydraulic structures and hydrodynamic pressures - Wind induced vibrations on structures - Porous media and geotechnical structures - Soil-pore fluid interaction - Seismic Fluid-soil-structure interaction - Other systems including FSI with high and non-linear deformations
Discipline scientifique :  Equations aux dérivées partielles - Analyse numérique - Mécanique - Biomécanique - Génie mécanique - Mécanique des fluides

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