Grenoble Winter School in Cognitive Linguistics

13-16 mars 2023
Le Manoir aux Lauzes - Autrans (France)

The aim of the Winter School is twofold: foster discussion on current hot topics in Cognitive Linguistics, while allowing for rich interactions between senior and younger researchers in the field. Three guest lecturers will give the following Masterclasses: 1) Usage-based models and methodological issues in CL, by M. Lemmens 2) Typological perspectives on location, by M. Lemmens 3) Cognitive corpus linguistics with R, by G. Desagulier 4) Changes in the midst of a construction network: a diachronic construction grammar approach to complex prepositions denoting internal location by G. Desagulier 5) Basics of R and collostructions, by S. Flach 6) A case of constructional contamination in English: Modified noun phrases influence adverb placement in the passive. by S. Flach Interactive sessions will include • Elevator pitches on the first day where PhD fellows are expected to present their projects within a limited period of time (3 minutes). • Project workshops where students will work in groups and present their projects in a workshop paper format and receive detailed feedback from the lecturers and other teachers attending the school. • The program also includes a 2-hour session on paper writing and publishing
Discipline scientifique :  Sciences cognitives - Sciences de l'Homme et Société

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