High Energy Phenomena in Relativistic Outflows

23-26 oct. 2023
Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris & Observatoire de Paris - Paris (France)


The HEPRO conferences are a cycle of biennial events devoted to the discussion of the most recent developments, either theoretical, phenomenological, or observational, on the major themes of high-energy and multi-messenger astrophysics associated with relativistic winds and jets, on all scales. This cycle of conferences has been spurred by Felix Aharonian, Josep Maria Paredes, and Gustavo Romero, and the previous editions were held in Dublin (2007), Buenos Aires (2009), Barcelona (2011), Heidelberg (2013), La Plata (2015), Moscow (2017) and Barcelona (2019). The HEPRO VIII edition will be held in Paris (France), on the campus of Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris and Observatoire de Paris, from October 23 to October 26, 2023. Some specific themes that will be addressed at HEPRO VIII include gamma-ray and neutrino production in relativistic outflows, the environments of compact objects, the physics of relativistic sources, multi-messenger connections, and particle acceleration.
Discipline scientifique :  Astrophysique

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