26th Annual Cyberpsychology, Cybertherapy and Social Networking Conference

11-13 juil. 2023
12 et 15, rue de l'École de médecine - Paris (France)


Welcome to the CYPSY26 payment platform!

To register, you first have to create an account using the “My registration” tab on the left menu. If you want to edit your registration, you can proceed via the “My registration” tab or by using the login button on the right.

Once logged in you ONLY have to use the My registration tab on the left menu. Do not complete the My Submissions!

Once you submit your registration for the first time, you will get a message confirming your account is being created and an activation link will be sent by email. Your registration is NOT complete yet! Wait five minutes to receive an email confirming the creation of your account and providing a secured link for your payment. Note the email may land in your spambox.

Click the secured link to login on the ScienceConf Conference Management service. Once logged in, go to My Registration to complete your payment or edit your registration. You will receive a receipt by email.

Here is some information about the conference fees: until April 7, 2023, the fees are 450 € per Regular registration. Special rates are proposed for this period for students: 250 € and spouses (plenary conferences only): 45 €.

From April 8 to July 4, the rates are 550 € per Regular registration, 350 € for students and 50 € for spouses.

Finally, for on-site registration on July 11 and 12, the rates are 600 € per Regular registration, 350 € for students and 50 € for spouses.

We look forward to seeing you at CYPSY26 in Paris!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to write here: cypsy26@u-paris.fr
Discipline scientifique :  Environnements Informatiques pour l'Apprentissage Humain - Intelligence artificielle - Synthèse d'image et réalité virtuelle - Interface homme-machine - Multimédia - Informatique - Neurosciences - Psychologie

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