PLATO Stellar Science Conference 2023

26-30 juin 2023
 - Milazzo (Italie)

The ESA mission PLATO is expected to be launched by the end of 2026. In this context, the PLATO Stellar Science Conference is part of the overall effort to prepare the mission, the exploitation of the forthcoming data, and thus to optimise the scientific return of the mission. The conference will be focused on the mission's core programme, namely on F7 to M dwarfs main-sequence and sub-giant stars. The programme will also address the scientific calibration stars of the core programme, in particular, red-giant stars, gamma Dor stars, and eclipsing binary stars. Among the key topics to be discussed are: - Advances in the precise and accurate characterization of stars, in particular for the study of their planetary systems - Recent improvements in the physical description of stellar models, especially concerning transport processes; - Synergies with galactic archaeology and exoplanet characterisation and star-planet interactions. - Science goals that PLATO will make possible For all these topics, addressed in the framework of the available Kepler and TESS data, and in the prospect of PLATO data, an important contribution of the community is desired.
Discipline scientifique :  Astrophysique stellaire et solaire

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