Inaugural Symposium of the Sorbonne Université Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine Network

13-13 déc. 2022
Campus Pierre et Marie Curie Amphithéâtre 25 - Paris (France)

Sorbonne Université is organizing on Dec 13th 2022 the inaugural symposium of the ‘Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine’ network founded in 2019. Stem cell biology constitutes a major scientific topic in biology and medicine, raising important issues in philosophy, sociology and ethics. This network aims to gather researchers and clinicians of the different departments within Sorbonne Université faculties (Science and Engineering, Medicine, Arts and Humanities) and its partner Université de Technologie de Compiègne. This initiative aims to be a unique platform for sharing resources and developing interdisciplinary research projects.
Discipline scientifique :  Sciences du Vivant - Biologie cellulaire - Biologie du développement - Bio-Informatique, Biologie Systémique - Biotechnologies - Cancer - Ethique - Génétique - Immunologie - Médecine humaine et pathologie - Neurosciences - Sciences de l'Homme et Société

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