ReaDiNet International conference on parabolic and stochastic models in mathematical biology

3-6 janv. 2023
 - Orsay (greater Paris area) (France)

ReaDiNet (Reaction-Diffusion Network) is a CNRS International Research Network (IRN) composed of french, japanese, korean and taiwanese researchers in the fields of mathematics and their applications in biology. This conference will gather international experts from the group in the theoretical study of mathematical models (ordinary and partial differential equations, reaction-diffusion systems, stochastic processes...) from the life sciences (population dynamics, biology, medicine...). This event will be the first in-person meeting of ReaDiNet since the start of the current pandemics, which is made possible by the recent loosening of travel restrictions. While our activities have been uninterrupted thanks to online interactions, this meeting will be an important opportunity to renew the connections between the mathematical communities of our four countries.
Discipline scientifique :  Mathématiques

Lieu de la conférence
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