Nile’s Earth International Conference: Study and conservation of earthen architecture in the ancient Nile valley

4-6 juil. 2023
Grenoble School of Architecture (France) / École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Grenoble (ENSAG-UGA). Live transmissions in Ifao (Cairo,Egypt), CFEETK (Luxor, Egypt) and SFDAS (Khartoum,Sudan). - Grenoble (France)

Earthen heritage of the ancient Nile Valley is increasingly threatened by current climate and ecological changes (e.g., heavy rains, dam construction, cultivation of previously semi-desert or desert areas, soil salinization). Specific solutions are needed to effectively preserve Egyptian and Sudanese archaeological sites. A multidisciplinary approach is essential for a better identification and knowledge of archaeological earthen remains, the assessment of their state of conservation, and then the definition of adapted and durable conservation methods and techniques. To be relevant, conservation protocols must rely on a thorough knowledge of ancient building techniques and materials, as well as the original building culture. The Nile’s Earth Conference aims at stimulating an international debate to better characterize the earthen architecture of the ancient Nile Valley and, its conservation needs, as well as formulate relevant solutions to respond to the growing demand for the proper conservation and enhancement of Egyptian and Sudanese archaeological sites in accordance with international recommendations. Researchers are invited to share their own experience, issues and results on the three main themes of the Conference. SCIENTIFIC THEMES > THEME 1: Archaeology/Architecture/Building techniques > THEME 2: Raw and building materials > THEME 3: Conservation/Heritage
Discipline scientifique :  Archéologie et Préhistoire - Architecture, aménagement de l'espace - Géographie - Matériaux

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