Spoken English varieties: interfaces and multidimensional approaches

12-14 avr. 2023
Université Paris Nanterre - Nanterre (France)


The PAC programme (Phonologie de l'Anglais Contemporain: usages, variétés et structure - The Phonology of Contemporary English: usage, varieties and structure) is coordinated by Anne Przewozny-Desriaux (Toulouse Jean Jaurès University), Sophie Herment (University of Aix-Marseille), Sylvain Navarro (Paris Cité University) and Cécile Viollain (Paris Nanterre University). The main aims of the programme can be summarized as follows: to give a better picture of spoken English in its unity and diversity (geographical, social and stylistic); to test existing theoretical models in phonology, phonetics and sociolinguistics from a synchronic and diachronic point of view, making room for the systematic study of variation; to favour communication between specialists in speech and in phonological theory; and to provide corpus-based data and analyses which will help improve the teaching of English as a foreign language. To learn more about us, you can visit the programme's website: https://www.pacprogramme.net/?lang=en. The 16th edition of the PAC international conference in 2023 will focus on interfaces between phonology and phonetics as well as other levels of linguistic structure in contemporary spoken English varieties on the basis of corpus data. Multidimensional approaches to oral corpora are understood as approaches combining different levels of linguistic analysis and/or tools and methods borrowed from other disciplines (such as sociology, geography, anthropology, computer science, stylistics, psychology, neuro and cognitive sciences, media studies, cultural studies).
Discipline scientifique :  Linguistique

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