EITN Fall School in Computational Neuroscience 2022

21-30 sept. 2022
Institut Supérieur Clorivière, 119 Bd Diderot, 75012 Paris - Paris (France)


10 days of intensive training in computational neuroscience for neuroscience (and related fields) students and Post-doctoral/early-career researchers. A complete program: Cellular models and models of brain signals, Circuit models and networks, Mean-field models, Whole-brain models. This training has a limited capacity of 20 students, therefore a selection will be performed by a scientific organizing committee. Applications are open until 23 June 2022. Send your application by including a resume and cover letter using the form at: https://www.eitn.org/index.php/calendar-event/eventdetail/764/-/eitn-fall-school-2022 Organizers: Sacha Van Albada (Julich), Albert Gidon (U Berlin), Alain Destexhe (CNRS), , to be completed.
Discipline scientifique :  Modélisation et simulation - Neurosciences

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