The 26th International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications

26-28 sept. 2022
IMT Mines Ales - Ales (France)

The 2022 edition of the IEEE/ACM 26th International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications (DS-RT) will be held in Alès, France. DS-RT 2022 serves as a forum for simulationists from academia, industry and research labs, for presenting recent research results in Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications. DS-RT 2022 targets the growing overlap between large distributed simulations and real time applications, such as mirror world simulations and collaborative virtual environments. The conference features prominent invited speakers as well as papers by top researchers in the field. DS-RT 2022 will include contributed technical papers, invited papers, and panel discussions. The proceedings will be published by IEEE-CS press. This event is a wonderful opportunity to join the community of experts on related topics, share experiences, and have fruitful discussions. Prof. Gregory Zacharewicz, General Chair Prof. Umut Durak, DS-RT Program Co-Chair Prof. Gabriele D'Angelo , DS-RT Program Co-Chair
Discipline scientifique :  Informatique - Sciences de l'ingénieur

Lieu de la conférence
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