Surface Redox Reactions: Applications and Recent Advances

11-13 juil. 2022
Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Rennes, 11, allée de Beaulieu - Rennes (France)

The purpose of this workshop is to stimulate communication between researchers from both academia and industry, and facilitate an exchange of opinions and common interests. This workshop is open to all scientists interested in surface redox reactions for industrial and environmental applications. The workshop will provide a forum to share research results, discuss new experimental and theoretical developments with international research groups, and understand the applications through industrial users on the following themes: Environment Remediation & Pollutant Transport ; Mineral Processing & Critical Metal Recovery ; Energy Applications: Nuclear, Oil & Gas Enhanced Recovery.
Discipline scientifique :  Chimie analytique - Chimie inorganique - Autre - Environnement et Société - Milieux et Changements globaux - Génie des procédés - Matériaux

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