Indo-French workshop on Novel Phases of Matter in Frustrated Magnets 2022

17-20 oct. 2022
University of Bordeaux - Bordeaux (France)

This Indo-French workshop aims to foster cross-fertilization among researchers with diverse backgrounds and different expertise, working in quantum magnetism with a particular focus on models and materials where frustration leads to the appearance of highly entangled ground states such as quantum spin liquids. In particular, given the strength of both the Indian and French frustrated magnetism communities, we wish to provide an open platform to discuss the recent advances in the field. The presentations and discussions will cover the broad diversity of cutting- edge experimental probes towards identifying candidate spin liquid materials, ab-initio calculations and microscopic modeling, field theoretical and state-of-the-art numerical techniques, in order to foster new ideas and identify key directions of future research.
Discipline scientifique :  Matière Condensée

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