Workshop on the Atavistic Theory of Cancer - Atelier sur la Théorie Ataviste du Cancer

7-9 juin 2022
Site du CHUGA, Grenoble - Grenoble (France)

The processes of biological evolution allowed for the progressive emergence of more and more complex systems within the living beings ranging from the first anaerobic unicellular organisms to modern multicellular organisms. Evolution also allowed for sustaining of some of these systems—ancient but still vital—and their integration in the gene expression mechanisms, as well as their coexistence with the more recent structures. Collective cellular life in complex organisms is an example of such conservation: a subtle dialogue occurring at multiple levels—from the immediate cellular neighborhood in the tissues, to the complex adhesion processes between the cells or the extracellular matrix, to the chemomechanical inductions in tissues and organs, to hormonal signalling at the organism level—ensures a harmonious functioning of the entire organism at different scales. A close look at various processes implied in cellular socialization, both from the ontological and from the phylogenetic points of view, reveals that they appeared at different stages of evolution. Isolated cells, like simple bacteria, first started by establishing a chemical dialogue, then developed the capacity of temporary adhesion (social amœbae), and then of collaborative construction of tissues and organs in the multicellular organisms we are familiar with today. Just like in populations of the well-known social amœba Dictyostelium discoideum, or in human societies subjected to changes in the environmental conditions, the rules of interaction may be altered, affecting the cooperation between the individuals and the emerging social behavior. Eukaryotic cells are endowed with numerous genetic paraphernalia inherited from long ago which, once expressed again, render them highly adaptable to perturbations in their physicochemical and cellular environment. Indeed, evolution leaves a heritage in every modern cell, whose principal role is to maintain cellular life at all costs. It is a pledge for survival. The atavism is its re-expression. The atavistic theory of cancer, introduced and developed in particular by P. Davies and M. Vincent [Davies, 2011; Vincent, 2011; Merali, 2014; Lineweaver, 2021], states that cancerous behavior in cells is the consequence of progressive deactivation of recently acquired physiological systems, occurring in parallel to the reactivation of earlier acquired systems. The cells can be therefore be seen as reactivating their survival program. The goal of this large-scope workshop is to discuss and present works related to the atavistic theory of cancer. We thus expect to review the mechanisms of cancer emergence and development, the modelling strategies, and the existing therapeutic solutions, in particular the ones suggested by the atavistic theory of cancer. We also expect to consider how the classic approaches to treating cancer—well established and effective—make sense within this theory [Lineweaver, 2014]. Davies, P. C., Demetrius, L., Tuszynski, J.A., Cancer as a dynamical phase transition. Theor Biol Med Model. (2011) 8:30 Israel L., Tumour progression: random mutations or an integrated survival response to cellular stress conserved from unicellular organisms. J. Theor. Biol. 178 (1996) 375-380 Lineweaver, C. H., Bussey, K. J., Blackburn, A. C., Davies, P. C., W. Cancer progression as a sequence of atavistic reversions. BioEssays, (2021) 2000305 DOI: 10.1002/bies.202000305 Lineweaver, C. H., Davies, P. C. W., Vincent, M. D. Targeting cancer’s weaknesses (not its strengths): Therapeutic strategies suggested by the atavistic model, BioEssays (2014) 36 :827 Merali, Z., Physicists’ model proposes evolutionary role for cancer. Nature (2014). Vincent, M., Cancer: A de-repression of a default survival program common to all cells? Bioessays (2011) 34:72
Discipline scientifique :  Bio-informatique - Imagerie médicale - Modélisation et simulation - Biologie cellulaire - Bio-Informatique, Biologie Systémique - Cancer

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