La Grammaire de la Cause III/ The Grammar of Causation III

13 mai-4 juin 2022
28 rue Serpente, 75006 Paris, Maison de la Recherche, amphi D035 - Paris (France)

Causation is an essential field of research for linguists and continues to be the subject of various publications. Causation can be approached from different perspectives: lexical semantics, formal semantics, morphology, syntax, cognitive grammar, the theory of conceptual metaphor, the theory of relevance, to name a few. This third edition of the Grammar of Causation (International?) Conference is part of a long tradition: "The Grammar of Causation I" in 2015 and "The Grammar of Causation II" in 2018. This third edition of the « The Grammar of the Causation » Conference is organized around the following topics: -the definition of causation; -the typology of causation; -causative verbs, including psychological verbs, but also verbs that fall within the physical or the mental domain; -present and past participles who, in a given context, express causation; -the metaphorical use of causative verbs; -connectors: classification and conditions of use; -prepositions: conditions of use, synonymy ; -compound nominal predicates in which one of the elements can be interpreted as the origin of a given phenomenon: aromat roz (aroma of roses), les pleurs des enfants (the crying of children), il suono del pianoforte (the sound of the piano), sound of the forest, ο ήχος του τυμπάνου (the sound of the drum), etc. -translation problems and lexical gaps; -the expression of causation in sentences without a connector; -teaching ways of express the causation in the context of French as a Foreign Language; -causality and modality; causality and temporality; causativity and resultivity; -other problems: consult us. Invited speaker : to be announced Scientific committee : Irina Thomières, Freiderikos Valetopoulos, Elise Mignot, Efi Lamprou, Giancarlo Gerlini, Jérémy Pasquereau, Gaston Gross, Pierre Frath. Working Languages: English, French. Languages : French, English, German, Spanish, Italian, Greek, Russian. For other languages, please refer to us.
Discipline scientifique :  Sciences cognitives - Sciences de l'Homme et Société

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