Workshop Math-STIC on Biometrics and Visual Cryptography : Theory and Applications
28-28 juin 2022
Math-STIC Federation de recherche CNRS; Institut Galilée 99, avenue Jean-Baptiste Clément - Villetaneuse (France)
This one-day workshop will be an opportunity to present through presentations of young researchers and seniors the strong links that exist between biometrics, cryptography and data security in general through applications and mathematical models, including what new trends based on deep neural networks learning architectures bring. The presentations will cover both theoretical aspects and practical solutions to concrete problems in the field of biometrics and data protection in various forms. Special attention will be given to visual data analytics, biometric identification methods and technology and visual cryptography.
Discipline scientifique :
Informatique - Cryptographie et sécurité - Vision par ordinateur et reconnaissance de formes - Traitement du signal et de l'image - Mathématiques - Théorie de l'information et codage
Lieu de la conférence