GENESIS-1 : Colocation of Geodetic Techniques in Space

26-26 avr. 2022
Online - Online (France)

The purpose of this online-only workshop is to discuss the science opportunities offered by the GENESIS-1 satellite, the first one of a series of satellites in the newly proposed GNSS/NAV Science Programme GENESIS. The GENESIS-1 satellite will combine and co-locate, on one satellite platform, the full set of fundamental space-time geodetic systems (GNSS, DORIS, VLBI and SLR), referenced to one another through carefully calibrated space ties and a very precise atomic clock. This is essential for the accurate and stable realization of ITRF, which is a fundamental frame for the modelling and understanding of many dynamics processes in the solid Earth, the atmosphere, and the hydrosphere. GENESIS-1 will build upon the heritage of the E-GRASP proposal. This event will build on the first meeting presenting the GENESIS programme to the scientific community on March 14th 2022 and bring together the geodetic, geophysics, fundamental physics, and Earth observation communities to discuss the outstanding science case and mission profile of GENESIS-1. The goal is to build a wider consortium supporting the GENESIS-1 science case and to contribute to the white paper under development. We encourage participation in this event by all interested scientists, industrial partners, and space agencies.
Discipline scientifique :  Relativité Générale et Cosmologie Quantique - Géophysique - Physique de l'espace - Milieux et Changements globaux - Océan, Atmosphère - Sciences de la Terre

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