C'Nano 2023

15-17 mars 2023
 - Poitiers and surrounding (France)


The French national competency cluster in Nanoscience of CNRS, C'Nano, organizes the 5th edition of its national meeting (France). This scientific event aims at gathering the French scientific communities in nanoscience and nanotechnology, and to create the dynamic needed for the emergence of breakthrough projects. C'Nano 2020: The Nanoscience Meeting will take place in Poitiers region (France) in March 2023. The program will include plenary lectures and parallel sessions on topics at the interface of various research areas: nanobiology, nanomedicine, nanosafer by design, nanochemistry, nanometrology, nanofabrication, nanocomposites and nanoplasturgy, nano-environment, nanophotonics... In addition, a poster session will be open for contribution and a exhibition area will be organized for sponsors and partners. This meeting is dedicated to all scientists in nanoscience and nanotechnology, including academic and industrial researchers, engineers, post-doctorates, doctorates, etc.
Discipline scientifique :  Chimie - Physique - Sciences de l'environnement - Planète et Univers - Sciences du Vivant - Sciences de l'Homme et Société - Sciences de l'ingénieur

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