Summer school on point cloud time series

20-22 juin 2022
Université de Rennes 1 PNRB - Pôle Numérique Rennes Beaulieu Room TD3 - Rennes (France)

This summer school is dedicated to PhD students, Post Docs, research support engineers, researchers and also private domain people who need to use point clouds in the field of geoscience research. The expected learning outcomes are the following: Alignment of two points clouds. 3D distance measurements, advanced knowledge of M3C2. Handling uncertainty in change detection. Change detection by feature matching (does a freely available software exists?). Using software freely available (Python, CloudCompare, possibly Matlab).
Discipline scientifique :  Informatique - Ingénierie, finance et science - Sciences de l'environnement - Milieux et Changements globaux

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