Eighth International Symposium and Thematic School on DEB Theory for Metabolic Organization

5-16 juin 2023
Louisiana State University - Baton Rouge, LA (États-Unis)


Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) theory aims at unifying commonalities of metabolic organization between organisms (animals, plants, bacteria...). Based on a restricted number of assumptions, written out as mathematical formulas, the mechanistic theory allows quantifying growth, development, reproduction of an organism along its life cycle as a function of temperature and available food. Since 1997, the principles of DEB theory have been taught in an open-access 5-week massive open online course (MOOC, offered by the Instituto Técnico de Lisboa) providing training on the understanding and application of the theory to more than 600 participants, including graduate students, post-graduate students and researchers. Since 2009, and following the MOOC, a school and an international symposium have been organized. The DEB2023 school and symposium will be held in at Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA (United States) and will include an 7-day school and a 3-day symposium.
Discipline scientifique :  Modélisation et simulation - Biologie animale - Biodiversité - Biologie végétale - Ecologie, Environnement - Toxicologie

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