European Amphibian Club 2022

1-4 juil. 2022

TO BE MODIFIED The aims of this third conference on amphibians are build on the success of the last two European Amphibian Club (2017,Rennes, France ; 2019 Halle-Witenberg, Germany) to foster a European network for scientists using amphibians in modern biology, to promote the use of these alternatives and cost effectives models with particular benefit in translational medicine and to initiate and consolidate the interest of young scientists to work with amphibians. In June 2017, the first European Amphibian Club ( was held in Rennes, France. More than 100 participants from 13 different European countries as well as a minor number of participants from outside Europe met to discuss new findings, which were based on the use of amphibians as model organisms for modern molecular biology. The unique feature of this new conference series is that all aspects of amphibian-based science will be covered. Scientists working on cell cycle control will meet stem cell and developmental biologists to discuss questions of signaling pathways which play an important role in cancer and translational medicine but the same scientists will also become sensitized by important environmental aspects. The broad expertise of all participants will spark new ideas in specialized fields to approach scientific problems from new directions. Both international Xenopus Centers will be presenters on the proposed conference in 2019. The conference will attract and promote young scientists. Organized meetings between young and advanced scientists should provide an easily accessible platform to meet and find young interested scientists and support their commitment to the field of modern amphibian biology. key dates Abstract deadline : the 20th of May 2022 Early bird registration : the 1st of April 2022 Registration deadline : The 3rd of June 2022
Discipline scientifique :  Sciences du Vivant - Médecine vétérinaire et santé animal - Génomique, Transcriptomique et Protéomique - Biologie cellulaire - Biologie du développement - Cancer - Toxicologie

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