International Conference on Development Economics (AFEDEV #1)

30 juin-1 juil. 2022
CERDI, Pôle tertiaire La Rotonde, 26 avenue Léon Blum 63000 Clermont-Ferrand - Clermont-Ferrand (France)

The 2022 International Conference in Development Economics (ICDE) is a follow-up of the 2021 edition that was held in Bordeaux (online). The objective of the conference is to be a forum for discussing innovative research in development economics, and rediscover the pleasure of face-to-face interactions with a large network of colleagues. Both empirical and theoretical contributions and wide ranges of topics are welcome to the conference. Issues of interest include, but are not limited to migration, climate change, monetary policy, growth, poverty, environment, taxation, agriculture, health, international trade, inequality, digitalization, firm performances, employment or conflict issues. Hosted by CERDI (Université Clermont Auvergne – CNRS – IRD)
Discipline scientifique :  Économie et finance quantitative

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