International Astronomical Union Women in Astronomy Working Group - General Assembly Meeting 2022

2-12 août 2022
EXCO, Busan, Republic of Korea - Busan (Corée du Sud)

The IAU Women in Astronomy (WiA) Working Group (WG) is a part of the IAU Executive Committee with a mandate to collect information, propose measures, and initiate actions in support of, or to advance equality of opportunity for achievement between women and men in astronomy, in the IAU, and the world at large. The IAU WiA WG has 184 members as of now from all the continents and we look forward to welcoming many more members from all over the world. The new WiA WG, in the next 3 years, will focus on the difficulties (bias, reduced career prospects, leaky pipeline and lacking role models, childcare issues, harassment, discrimination, unfair working conditions) faced by Women in Astronomy. It will help bridge the gender gap in Astronomy and STEM fields, facilitate the careers of women researchers and young women Ph.D. students worldwide. To achieve these objectives a four-point action plan has been put forward with a special focus on (i) Awareness & Sustainability, (ii) Training and Skill Building, (iii) Fundraising & (iv) Dissemination of results via conferences, newsletters, etc. In the IAU 2022 General Assembly meeting, we will present the results and activities of our Working Group.
Discipline scientifique :  Physique - Planète et Univers

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