Preferences and autonomy: Philosophy and Economics

2-4 juin 2022
Université de Rennes 1, site Beaulieu, Bâtiment 32B - Amphi 12 - Rennes (France)

The aim of the conference is to explore how the notion of autonomy should be understood and integrated if it can within a broadly preferentialist or subjectivist approach to well-being or values and how it contributes to moral, political and social choices. Thus, we hope the conference to address questions like the following (although the list is not limitative): -Should autonomy under one or its several acceptations shape our description of actual or ideal preferences? -If this is correct, how? -Or should we take this aim as irrelevant for the descriptions of preferences? -Which role should then play autonomy considerations? -Can we integrate the various norms of autonomy in one framework? -Can autonomy itself be understood in preferentialist or subjective terms? -If not, is it a threat for such approaches?
Discipline scientifique :  Economies et finances - Philosophie

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