Understanding gas and dust observational signatures from cloud collapse to planet formation: what are the current chemo-dynamical modeling challenges?

11-12 oct. 2021
Virtuel - Virtuel (France)


The high spatial and spectral resolutions of the latest generation of telescopes (NOEMA, ALMA, JWST, SKA, VLTI, ELT), is now providing unprecedented details on the gas composition and kinematics from the collapse of molecular clouds to the formation of planetary systems. To properly interpret the wealth and diversity of these new observational data, it is primordial to develop a new generation of models fully coupling the dynamics and chemistry of gas and dust. At the crossroads of magnetohydrodynamics numerical simulations and gas- and solid-state astrochemistry modeling, this requires a multi-disciplinarity endeavor involving not only modelers but also observers, theorists, and experimentalists working on ISM physics and chemistry. \n This workshop thus aims at fostering discussions between such different interlocutors around the three following axes: Where do we stand in chemo-dynamical modeling? How do present models compare with current observations? What are the critical parameters that need to be further developed: dynamical coupling of dust and gas, dust growth, dust composition, the impact of the ionization fraction on the coupling of magnetic fields with the gas, on gas turbulence and on angular momentum transfer? What is the influence of chemistry on star and planet formation? What are the remaining challenges? What are the main physical and/or chemical processes currently missing? How could laboratory experiments help in constraining the simulations?
Discipline scientifique :  Chimie - Physique - Planète et Univers

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