2022 Joint Meeting of the International Workshop on Detonation Propulsion (IWDP) and the International Constant Volume and Detonation Combustion Workshop (ICVDCW)

15-19 août 2022
Campus of the Technische Universität Berlin, in Berlin Germany. - Berlin (Allemagne)


We are very excited to announce the first joint meeting of the International Workshop on Detonation for Propulsion (IWDP 2022) and the International Constant Volume and Detonation Combustion Workshop (ICVDCW 2022) to be held in Berlin, Germany during March 21-25, 2022, by the Technische Universität Berlin. On behalf of the Organizing Committees, we would like to welcome you to participate in the workshop. The International Workshop on Detonation for Propulsion (IWDP) has successfully brought together scientists worldwide to exchange cutting-edge technical achievements and new ideas in detonation applications for aerospace propulsion. In parallel, the International Constant Volume and Detonation Combustion Workshop (ICVDCW) has facilitated discourse in the development of fundamental and practical topics in the areas of constant volume combustion, detonations, and pressure gain combustion. Due to the unexpected complications from the global pandemic that we have all experienced within the past year, it was decided to align these two events into a combined meeting. This first joint meeting will endeavor to unite the parallel research objectives in a forum to facilitate the discourse and exchange of ideas in these topics through discussion sessions, as well as highlight the latest developments in the areas of detonations, constant volume combustion, and their applications. In order to maximize the in-presence representation of our global participants from lands with diverse responses to the pandemic, this meeting is planned to occur in the Spring of 2022. Scientists, engineers and students in the relevant fields are welcomed to participate and present their research contributions in the workshop.
Discipline scientifique :  Génie mécanique - Mécanique des fluides - Dynamique des Fluides - Milieux fluides et réactifs - Génie mécanique - Mécanique des fluides

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