MuSkLE Summer School

25-30 juin 2023
Saint-Étienne & Lyon - Saint-Etienne & Lyon (France)

The goal of the MuSkLE (Musculo-Skeletal system, Locomotion, Exercise) Summer School 2022 is to educate students on the development, regulation and function of the musculoskeletal system in different physiological and pathophysiological contexts. The influence of exercise and locomotor activities on this system will also be addressed. The training, combining seminars, tutorials and practical work, will be based on interdisciplinary experimental approaches (cellular, tissue, whole organ) conducted in animal models and in Human, in order to understand the mechanisms involved in the plasticity of the musculoskeletal system.
Discipline scientifique :  Sciences du Vivant - Biologie cellulaire - Biologie du développement - Médecine humaine et pathologie - Autre

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